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We want to make internet donations easy and accessible to everyone everywhere in the world and as simple and as fast as possible and of course free and transparent. This will maximize the donation potential for Charities and NGOs by providing them with a new tool to raise more funds and minimize collection costs.


Our unique value proposition is a platform that is strengthening the bond between humans and companion animals living in a multispecies family. We want to meet human needs and teach and educate about pet needs without doing long research online or a drive to the pet center. We provide you all of this with just one tap on your phone, on daily basis. Our app is an essential part of your multispecies family for harmonic life.


Completely remote-based academy that offers real-time interactive trainings & consultation (called journeys) in 18+ cyber security (ethical hacking) domains, while focusing on minimizing the lack of cyber-security professionals on the market, and offering affordable knowledge packs to companies for their employees to evolve into more-experienced roles which provide better ROI.

Credit insight

Credit Insight is a fintech platform providing streamlined financing processes for legal entities. Our innovative solution saves time and money, offering quick access to funding. Focus on business growth with Credit Insight, eliminating lengthy and complicated lending processes.

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