
Company InnoPazzio presenting with the product Ithermo

Ithermo is an eco-friendly innovation that reduces the consumption of electricity. It’s a coaster and also a battery with which you will charge your phone with energy generated by the heat of the drink. It’s made of stainless steel and technology from thermoelectric generator. We are highly confident that our product will be desired on the market, especially from those who want to make a change in the world.

About This Startup

Brief overview of the unique value proposition or idea.

Ithermo is an eco-friendly innovation that reduces the consumption of electricity. It’s a coaster and also a battery with which you will charge your phone with energy generated by the heat of the drink. It’s made of stainless steel and technology from thermoelectric generator. We are highly confident that our product will be desired on the market, especially from those who want to make a change in the world.

Problem solving and market potential.

Nowadays we are facing serious global problems like climate changes, global warming and shortage of fossil fuels, due to which there is a need for finding new renewable energy sources. We got closer to nature, used the heat and we present to you Ithermo - a coaster and also a battery with which you will charge your phone with energy generated by the heat of the drink. With its compact form, it is easily portable. Itermo has a flexible design - different colors, custom cafe logo. A cable with three universal plugs is available with the device. It is very important for this product that it accumulates the energy in the battery of the coaster so that someone else can use that service later. Our only competition is a similar innovation from other continent, but this doesn't exist in Europe, so we don't have direct competition.

Team's industry experience and expertise.

We have 2 co-founders: Ekaterina Stojanovska and Viktorija Popovska; the other team members are expertise in different sectors such as: Sara Andonovska - marketing, Veronika Blazhevska - finances, Nevena Mitevski - human resources

Received investment, current revenue or other tracking metrics.

No, we have not.

Phase of investment.


Amount of wanted investment.




Phone number


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