
We Recipes

We Recipes offers a Smart Recipe platform that provides a convenient shopping and cooking assistant all in one. The platform offers recipe videos, real-time shopping lists of the required ingredients, and the ability to buy missing items online. The solution solves the problem of choosing what to cook by providing a digital solution that offers everything in one place.

About This Startup

Brief overview of the unique value proposition or idea.

We Recipes offers a Smart Recipe platform that provides a convenient shopping and cooking assistant all in one. The platform offers recipe videos, real-time shopping lists of the required ingredients, and the ability to buy missing items online. The solution solves the problem of choosing what to cook by providing a digital solution that offers everything in one place.

Problem solving and market potential.

The problem We Recipes is solving is the difficulty that many people have in choosing what to cook. This is particularly true for Millennials, as 31% of them report having this problem. With a 48% growth rate in Google searches for recipe inspiration and 59% of people cooking using their phones, there is a large potential market for a solution that offers a convenient way to find recipes, make shopping lists, and order ingredients online.

Team's industry experience and expertise.

1 founder with already founded other 2 businesses/ startups.

Received investment, current revenue or other tracking metrics.

No, we bootstrapped the first €100K for development and sales. Also, we already have sales and partnership with big chain of markets in Macedonia and two food producers.

Phase of investment.


Amount of wanted investment.




Phone number


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